Monday, September 15, 2008


The Very Hungry Caterpillar ate through one apple, two pieces of pears, three plums, four strawberries, five oranges, six grapes, one piece of pickle, one piece of baloney, one piece of ham, one piece of sliced cheese, and a lollipop, chocolate cake with a cherry on top, and he also ate 10 nice pieces of leaf. The End.


Kim said...

I am glad to see that the caterpillar ate 10 nice pieces of leaf so he could get some fiber in his diet.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how hungry that caterpillar was!

MarianneSp said...

It was a hungry caterpillar.

I am going up to watch TV with Dad now.

Anonymous said...

kt loves her fiber. M5, do you make sure you eat lots of fiber everyday?

MarianneSp said...

Yes. What does fiber mean?

Anonymous said...

Fiber is found in certain foods like vegetables and cereals. It helps you poop!

Anonymous said...

Hey Camron it is Annie! That is one hungrey caterrpilar