Friday, February 13, 2009


Once upon a time, there was an old lady. This is a real story by the way. There was a bear in her back yard and her mother was out there and she didn't notice the bear. So the bear snuck up on her and then the bear scratched her and it kind of scratched on the legs it was like this kind of big scratch that was kind of big as well it was around her leg like all the way around her leg. So she had to go to the hospital and she stayed in there for like about 10 days and she got out next time and like in two months there was like raccoons walking down the City Hall street. And her car wasn't locked, the door was open because she was coming right back and in her seat she saw two raccoons! And after that the raccoons did something but no one ever told us yet. She was in the hospital for about 4 days. She wasn't a careful girl because she had accidents. She got in a big accident on the streets. She was a grown up but the she banged her tooth so hard on the car door and it was really twisty on her tooth. And then we don't know what happened. Period.

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